miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Hello friends

Hello friends and loyal readers first excuse me for not writing any input in that time but I was immersed in my latest novel by now titled "Howling in silence" from which they have been leaving some fragments of it, I have a good news
The novel "Howling in silence" is finished but still a pass to the editor and correct, extructurarla and give it the final shape (Chinese work) but which take place in a few months or at least I hope.

Well I leave with a link to Amazon where you can see my twelve books now published if this Christmas want to make a gift of my pen and letter or they feel like giving a book written by me, I appreciate your patience and invite you to read because Through reading we give rein to the imagination and that's more important.



Gerado Moreno Matanza

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