miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Visitors of space chapter 3

Visitors of space

Chapter 3


Gerardo Moreno

Dixie, is the aeronautical engineer and responsible for the correct operation of our spacecraft, along with the collaboration of our central computer dxw Simon 4, both communicate telepathically with the rest of the crew including the highest authority the commander Samentan.
Dixie comments.
    - "We will leave the hyper space in a time of about 4 micro regressive times
to ascend speed to 11 xw or cruise speed, we are approaching our base extra planetary nexus 7 w, where we will stop to perform a scan of the XVW - 13 spacecraft.
Samentan responds by means of its mental waves analogous to the electromagnetic analog waves that travel through the interior of the ship until arriving at Dixie.
    - "Correct, green light with the approach maneuver, to remain in orbit with the extra planetary base nexos 7 w."
Commander Samentan continues this time addressing Gerard.
    - "Look there, in the background between the turquoise blue, and green phosphorescent nebulae, you see our extra planetary base shine a perfect white, there we go to perform a routine control of our spaceship."
Gerard exclaims.
    - "Oh, I've never seen such a wonderful show."
Samentan responds.
    - "This is nothing, you still have a lot to experience dear friend."
Elton, is our quantum physicist, and the highest brain in subjects such as mathematics and space science, which communicates with commander Samentan, via telepathic commenting.
    - "The approach maneuver is being carried out, I proceed to inform of possible morphological changes in the spacecraft using the telekinesis force of deformation, in order to facilitate the passage between the asteroid belt, scrutinizing what is the most appropriate way to get from our current situation to the extra planetary base.This belt has increased in number of asteroids and in the orbital width around the planet JXW-7, but we have the coordinates of each of its asteroids speed, heading and morphology physical, we will go through the belt and we will make visual contact with our extra planetary base nexos 7 w, at which point we will initiate the coupling in nexuses 7 w, to later perform a global scanner of the XVW-13 spacecraft. "
Answer Samentan.
    - "Agreed Elton we are in your hands and as always we trust in his mental perfection."
Dolmen, is an expert space pilot with an amazing capacity of piloting in space, is a pilot expert in avoiding asteroid belts.
Dolmen goes telepathically to Commander Samentan.
    - "With your blessing I join Elton to pilot the spacecraft through the asteroid belt."
Samentan responds.
    - "Of course Dolmen forward take a riding position with Elton, we all trust you as always, that perfection accompanies you and brings all the crew safely to our extra planetary base."
Answer Domen.
    - "This is how Major Samentan will be executed."

                                                 * * *

Visitantes del espacio

Capitulo 3


Gerardo Moreno 

Dixie, es el ingeniero aeronáutico y responsable del correcto funcionamiento de nuestra nave espacial, junto con la colaboración de nuestro ordenador central dxw Simón 4, ambos se comunican telepáticamente con el resto de la tripulación incluido la máxima autoridad el comandante Samentan.
Dixie comenta.
    —"Vamos a salir del hiper espacio en un tiempo de unos 4 micro tiempos regresivos 
para ascender de velocidad a 11 xw o velocidad de crucero, nos estamos aproximando a nuestra base extra planetaria nexos 7 w, donde nos detendremos para realizar un escáner de la nave espacial XVW - 13."
Samentan responde mediante sus ondas mentales análogas a las ondas analógicas electromagnéticas que viajan a través del interior de la nave hasta llegar a Dixie.
    —"Correcto, luz verde con la maniobra de aproximación, hasta permanecer en órbita con la base extra planetaria nexos 7 w."
Continúa el comandante Samentan en esta ocasión dirigiéndose a Gerard.
    —"Mira allí, al fondo entre las nebulosas azul turquesa, y verde fosforescente, ves brillar nuestra base extra planetaria de un blanco perfecto, allí nos dirigimos a realizar un control rutinario de nuestra nave espacial."
Exclama Gerard.
    —"¡Oh! nunca había visto tan maravilloso espectáculo."
Samentan responde.
    —"Esto no es nada, aún te queda mucho por experimentar estimado amigo."
Elton, es nuestro físico cuántico, y el cerebro más elevado en materias como matemáticas y ciencias espaciales, el cual se comunica con el comandante Samentan, vía telepática comentándole.
    —"La maniobra de aproximación se esta llevando a efecto, procedo a informar de unas posibles cambios morfológicos en la nave espacial empleando la fuerza de telequinesia de deformación, con la finalidad de poder facilitar el paso entre el 
cinturón de asteroides, escudriñando cuál es la manera más adecuada de llegar desde nuestra situación actual hasta la base extra planetaria. Dicho cinturón ha aumentado en número de asteroides y en el ancho orbital alrededor del planeta JXW-7, pero poseemos las coordenadas de cada uno de sus asteroides velocidad, rumbo y morfología física, atravesaremos el cinturón y tomaremos contacto visual con nuestra base extra planetaria nexos 7 w, momento en el que iniciaremos el acoplamiento en nexos 7 w, para posteriormente realizar un escáner global de la nave espacial XVW-13."
Contesta Samentan.
    —"De acuerdo Elton quedamos en tus manos y como siempre confiamos en su perfección mental."
Dolmen, es un experto piloto espacial con una capacidad asombrosa de pilotaje en el espacio, es un piloto experto en sortear cinturones de asteroides. 
Dolmen se dirige telepáticamente al comandante Samentan.
    —"Con su beneplácito me uno a Elton para pilotar la nave espacial a través del cinturón de asteroides."
Samentan responde.
    —"Por supuesto Dolmen adelante tome posición de pilotaje junto a Elton. Todos confiamos en vosotros como siempre, que la perfección os acompañe y nos lleve a salvo a toda la tripulación a nuestra base extra planetaria."
Contesta Domen.
    —"Así se ejecutará comandante Samentan."

viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

Visitors of space

visitors of space chapter 2 for gerard brown during the trip engage a communication direct and friendly with the commander samentan, this be this to the command of the spacecraft and of the missions to make. in said dialogue in the that concerned to my part were the majority questions. the first question direct is: - "¿because me had elected to my ?, despite to that had a founded suspicion of motive. samentan me explained way telepathic through this message: -" not you're the single be human in be contacted and the reason main of contact with you gerard, is because its goodness is pure and that alongside its high intelligence have determined that it was the elected for the contact, all it united also to its commitment and predisposition for know. "naturally my following question was obvious. -" ¿that interest had in my person? "and its answer mental that i received of immediate was strong and very aclaratoria to the time of incredible. samentan is explained saying: -" we carry observing the course of the events in the land since its training until the apparition of be human, and fear for its self-destruction and then think in interfere through a mission commanded for you gerard, and him we select to you for be different and single among the other beings of its species, so that let's go to entrust the mission of save its planet of its own self-destruction, ¿imagine that not will reject this honor ?, since is is of its own planet and wish to that its generations continue populating the land. "she exclaimed gerard. -" but as i go to save the planet i alone! "i answer samentan of immediate. -" ¡not! your alone is regrettably impossible, although more ahead discuss of the impossible or possible that is a same question that is reduces to that all is possible. because the impossible is a term that the beings human acuñáis wrongly, but that actually not there, not have more that see as is our civilization, where the impossible not has room. being all the related to our universe more that possible of make. "continues speaking samentan closing the eyes and caressing its temple with the yolk of its fingers indices with a light massage for have a telepathy but clear with its with tertulio gerard. -" well for where we went. ¡ah yes! let's go to select other 12 people more of the land, for he gathered with you achieve save your world. "-" ¡¿as ?! "is hastens gerard to answer. responds samentan. -" calm man patience, for reaching the moment the 13 members of the mission llegareis to positions of can relevant inside of the main powers of world. and then you can change according to your way of think all the that not this well of your world. "continues samentan doing a effort in a communication clear and truthful. -" the elected you are people with a high rate of intelligence, whose measure of the land is of iq sd15 exceeding 192, as annex to your super endowment you implantaremos a gene extraterrestrial in the elbow of arm right to way of vaccine, with a series of properties or qualities of our civilization, for increase your super endowment acquiring some qualities of our brain quasi perfect, with some connotations very special and specific, these will do disappear or appease the fear and panic of this way you can face the beginning of uncertainty that fleet in the universe with but force, despite to that persistirán small outbreaks of fear, but for our civilization and for the 13 elected will disappear or decrease, since some of the features of gene is the immortality, the fear to the death natural will disappear for complete. this circumstance you help to the hour of take decisions and measures risky although always calculated before run. to the have of the properties of a brain similar to the our in functionality. me still gerard. "continues samentan explaining. -" all this goes to do that be more simple so for you as for its colleagues to the hour of achieve in little time placed in places of high can and visibility in its world. the following property of gene is the perception ultra sensory that gives anticipation and alert of danger imminent, of the same way as opera a anti virus computer to the block the entrance of any body strange that can put compromised to the computer, for do a simile of equal way acts the perception ultra sensory warning with advance of any danger of your life daily, the 13 elected you can inform you among you for telepathy codified, so evitaréis the intervention of information of third of this way salvaguardaréis all your progress and plans, also you inocularemos the gene of the telekinesis. a quality with the that you can move objects immaterial of any form or size and deformarlos to your convenience, read the thought of any person and interfere in its will until adueñados of its thoughts, doing prevail the will of the mission, all these qualities is must of use alone in case of vital importance for save its world, if not could seem a mockery to its own species. i think in that shall of agreement, that with all these qualities them will be of great help to the hour of change the guidelines of conduct of its world and safeguard the land for that the generations come have a world better, if after this mission observáramos that this new world continue taking fissures and problems of balance, would to do the same that let's go to do with other elected. "* * * -" samentan, apology ¿and because so interest in save the land? "question gerard. samentan answer quickly trasmitiendo its waves mental for the air towards my brain. -" because ¿and because not? you the species human always interpose a because for all. being always a because of distrust, friend gerard. the because is because us a species good throughout the sense of the word and we want a universe quits so with the inhabitants of each planet, as among the civilizations that populate the universe. "samentan, supports two fingers of its hand left on its temple, and with its gesture repetitive during the long conversation in some occasion, and after several seconds exclama. -" ¡until not is forget of that has that exist a because for all, not will get discover the knowledge pure! "gerard responds. -" already understand or to the less i believe understand. "samentan interrupted brusquely. -" ¿the you understand or you believe understand? the doubt friend generates doubts, the affirmation confirms that not there are doubts, is more advisable say that doubt despite to risk of err, the remain hesitant among the affirmation and the negation, gives origin to the doubts and the doubts is a of the causes for the that its world this so divided and inhuman. "* * * gerard comments. -" still not me you have explained the plan of action or as is goes to develop this framework of achieve a turn of world. "samentan responds. -" calm friend gerard has you some motive for have so haste, cálmese, have patience, ármese of perseverance and methodology are the three guidelines for carry to end all the that is propose friend gerard. samentan, moving its long hands is explains. - "still there is time all the that we can need, since the moment in that contacted with you, your time in the land is has arrested, the time in the space not there, to the travel in the hyper space, to a speed of 11 jx 00, a speed that you not you could calculate, but that is 11.000.000 of times exceeding the speed of your ships spatial in the present. when regresemos to the land, and you let in your house, will be the 4:45 h of day 11 of july of 2011, nobody you will have lying in lack, because the time in the land remains the same that when you contacted, to the travel in our spacecraft xvw-13, to the speed of hyper space, the time not passes throughout the universe included the land." question gerard. - "¿because? responds samentan. -" because these in our ship, and you you're the cause of that the time in the land is stop friend gerard. "gerard answer quickly. -" and if during that time somebody in the land him seems strange that the time is stop and not elapse. "samentan answer nimbly. -" if passes, but when you regresemos to your planet you will appear in that same hour and day, is something so as a regression that only occurs with your person, for the remainder of inhabitants of your world the time will continue its used march. while you hour remains motionless, that hour in that contacted not varies are the 4:45 hours, until back to let in the same place same hour, minutes, day, month, and year according to your measures of time. "answer gerard. -" and to that is because that i appear to the same hour, while the remainder of the population not is have i noticed of time paralysed. samentan, very bold friend, not is the remainder of the population the that suffers a return or are paralyzed the time that your these with we, you're your gerard the that again in the same time and moment in that abandonasteis the land. i guess that is difficult of understand according to your laws physical, but the our if the contemplate, are as two times or dimensions parallels that converge and subsequently is become in one only, being the same hour exactly that we abandoned your planet. nobody in your planet notice nothing strange, since the beginning of time is will happen leaving of the hour 4:45 of day 11 of july of 2011, all the minds of world receive a regression hypnotic way telepathic for our computer central the which will vary the date in the that live and its condicionantes for take up since of the date chosen, to your humanity is possible manipulate for achieve the that us propongamos, already the we have fact in some occasion in the that has state in risk of destruction in the antiquity. we friend gerard, we have the perfection, our evolution us has led to be perfect, us the civilization more old of universe, in our measure of time we have the friolera of 11 elevated to 13 dimensions parallels years light infinite of remainder of civilizations, our civilization was conceived without time, i.e. to existed always to the equal that the own universe, not we have had nor beginning nor end to the equal that the universe, us infinite never is just so in progress as in setback. "continues samentan with its look fixed in gerard. -" friend gerard, ¿know something on physics quantum? responds gerard with gesture confused. - "oh if commander samentan is the property of a particle of be in several dimensions to the time, but is something complicated." answer samentan. - "well listening during our trip spatial your gerard will be present in two dimensions to the same time were in your house in the land since the 4:45 hours, until you regresemos and is they gathered the two dimensions, the dimension of the land and our dimension of your person in the space, in other words now same and until back to the land, your these quantum mind in two places to a same time you are with we in the spacecraft xvw - 13 and in your planet the land. so nobody you cast in lack, ¿that you seems?" responds gerard with the face more that confused. - "oh commander samentan is something incredible." answer samentan. - "if friend incredible for you, but something habitual for our civilization the principles quantum are of great utility for the navigation for the space." * * * gerard without go out of its amazement, says. - "more that interesting samentan, you have record of your statements." responds samentan. - "for supposed friend gerard, although goes to be difficult of understand for your civilization, the demonstration of my words, for that you understand the that i affirm you i will tell, being a civilization perfect since its existence that has been always, not we have nor beginning nor end, this confirms that our knowledge on ourselves and the remainder of civilizations, and of own universe concerning to the perfection, because we us the perfection in the wider aspect spectral. with the perfection all is known, and not there is margin to the error or mistake on no question. the demonstration generate a false negative as denomináis to the real in demonstrable." answer gerard. - "apology samentan. ¿towards where us we headed?" samentan responds with a question rhetoric. -¿hacia where you think about your that us we headed? "gerard says. -" towards your planet. "samentan responds. -" exactly. forgives gerard. ¿because me the questions if already the wise. you the human you are a civilization that has a norm preconceived, that is the of ask always still when in occasions should of omit the question in question since you know of before hand the answer. not is a reproach, if not simply a confirmation of that still you lack much for know and act in line. "gerard answer. -" admittedly, although in occasions are codes of communication that use without no type of consciousness, customs acquired linguistically consequence of our culture. if commander i can understand that are modes language of a communication human to the that him lack much for become a civilization. "

martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017


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J.G Moreno


sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017


Vivimos en un mundo que siempre a sido como es en la actualidad, salvo que en este siglo los adelantos tecnológicos en post de una mayor, veraz y mejor comunicación, curiosamente está ocurriendo un efecto rebote, existiendo una incomunicación atroz y despiadada, que si sigue en esta tónica podría ocurrir que la raza humana termine por exterminarse, así como ha ocurrido con otras especies en nuestro malherido planeta llamado tierra.