En las calles de Cartago no se hablaba de otra cosa, el clan de la dinastía de isótopo habían sido brutalmente asesinados, como si hubieran sido atacados por unas fieras, posiblemente una manada de lobos.
Los isótopo eran una dinastía descendientes de los griegos, que se instalaron en Cartago al final de las guerras púnicas, y manejaban casi todo el comercio de esclavos en todo el Mediterráneo occidental, pero también se sospechaba que secuestraban niños en las zonas costeras del norte de África para después venderlos a la aristocracia de Cartago, Alejandría y otras ciudades prósperas.
Eran una familia sin escrúpulos avaros, ególatras e endiosados se creían con el derecho a dejar vivir o arrebatar la vida a quienes consideraban de todos sus esclavos con los que comercializaban, se creían el centro del universo de toda la
Cartago es una ciudad con una constitución, senadores y legisladores a través de una república, por lo cual se investigaría cada suceso ocurriera en su ciudad.
Cartago goza, al parecer, todavía de una buena constitución, más completa que la de otros Estados en muchos puntos y semejante en ciertos conceptos a la de Esparta. La constitución cartaginesa, como todas aquellas cuya base es a la vez aristocrática y republicana, se inclina tan pronto del lado de la demagogia como de la oligarquía. Una ciudad con un mestizaje de etnias y cuyos habitantes son descendientes de los fenicios.
Sus habitantes eran de tez de color oscura y era habitual llevar largas barbas sin bigote, los libio fenicios con mezcla con población indígena tendrían la piel aún más oscura. Entre las vestimentas de los cartagineses se encontraba el turbante, solían utilizar un largo camisón que llegaba hasta los pies y utilizaban por calzado las sandalias. Los más ricos llevaban trajes elegantes con numerosos adornos. Las
mujeres eran confinadas habitualmente en sus hogares y utilizaban velos.
La sociedad se dividía en quienes eran ciudadanos y los que no lo eran. Entre los ciudadanos había dos clases sociales. Los drrun “los grandes," es decir, la aristocracia, ricos propietarios de tierra y grandes comerciantes con numerosos esclavos. Esta élite fijaba las políticas y las leyes de cada colonia. El otro grupo eran los srnum, o plebeyos, grupo formado por artesanos entre los que destacaban los dedicados a industrias textiles, a la metalurgia y a los oficios del vidrio, de la madera y a lo relacionado con la construcción naval. Las inscripciones cartaginesas dejan constancia de que los altos cargos, como sacerdote, magistrado o general, eran muy habitualmente trasmitidos de padres a hijos de manera hereditaria, habiendo ejemplos de familias cuyos miembros desempeñan durante generaciones el cargo de sufete, diversas magistraturas o sacerdocios.
La mayoría de los habitantes eran pequeños campesinos, artesanos y mercaderes con escasas propiedades. Los cuales desarrollan una potente clase media que toma importancia en política, con la estandarización de las urnas. Esto se refleja en las
inscripciones que dejan de incluir el predominio de largas genealogías en los cargos públicos. Incluso la clase media irrumpe con ofrendas en el Tofet, hasta entonces reservado exclusivamente a la aristocracia.
Los no ciudadanos eran mayoritariamente indígenas libios sometidos y asimilados en cultura, denominados libio fenicios. Estos vivían en las grandes extensiones dominadas por Cartago a lo largo de África y fueron utilizados como obreros agrícolas en las propiedades rurales de la aristocracia, dedicados sobre todo a cosechar cereales.
In my book "Howling in silence" a historical fantasy novel and werewolves with a plot and unexpected end I finished writing a few days ago, but proofreading and editing of many pages of adventure and intrigue to a story remains fantastic set in the third century after Christ in the city of Cartago modern Tunisia drenched western Mediterranean and coveted enclave in North Africa, which was conquered by many empires and in the time that is set was conquered by the Western Roman Empire.
The next morning Augustine awoke sweating had that dream again, but realized he had dried blood on his mouth and between his fingernails and feet, which made him suspect among clarify whether it was dream or were real experiences. He quickly rose to wash in the back of the house where the toilets were, rubbed with the brush face, mouth, hands and feet to leave no trace of dried blood.
On the streets of Carthage was no talk of anything else, the family of the dynasty of isotope had been brutally murdered, as if they had been attacked by a beast, possibly a wolf pack.
The isotope were a dynasty descendants of the Greeks, who settled in Carthage at the end of the Punic Wars, and handled most of the slave trade throughout the western Mediterranean, but also suspected of abducting children in northern coastal areas Africa and then sell the aristocracy of Carthage, Alexandria and other prosperous cities.
They were a family without greedy, egotistical and deified believed with the right to let live or taking the life of all those who considered their slaves who traded with scruples, the center of the universe of the north coast of Africa believed.
Carthage is a city with a constitution, senators and legislators through a republic, whereby each event happened in their city would be investigated.
Carthage has apparently still a good constitution, more complete than that of other states in many places and in certain concepts like that of Sparta. The Carthaginian constitution, like all those whose base is at once aristocratic and republican, leaning side as soon as demagoguery of the oligarchy. A city with a mixture of ethnicities and whose inhabitants are descendants of the Phoenicians.
Its inhabitants were of dark complexion color and usual wear long beards without mustaches, Phoenicians Libyan mixed with the indigenous population would even darker skin. Among the clothes of the turban was Carthaginians, used to use a long nightgown down to the foot and footwear used for sandals. The richest wore elegant suits with numerous ornaments. Women were usually confined to their homes and used veils.
The society was divided into those who were citizens and those who were not. Among the citizens there were two classes. The "large," that is, the aristocracy, wealthy landowners and big merchants with numerous slaves. Drrun This elite was setting policies and laws of each colony. The other group were the srnum, or commoners, a group of artisans including especially those engaged in textile, metallurgy and glass crafts, wood and related to shipbuilding. The Carthaginian inscriptions are proof that high office, as a priest, judge or general, were very usually transmitted through families by heritage, having examples of families whose members play for generations by Suffet, various tribunals or priesthoods.
Most of the inhabitants were small farmers, artisans and merchants with few properties. Which developed a powerful middle class that becomes important in politics, with the standardization of the polls. This is reflected in the inscriptions fail to include the prevalence of long pedigrees in public office. Even the middle class bursts with offerings in Topheth, until then reserved exclusively for the aristocracy.
The non-Libyan citizens were mostly subdued and assimilated indigenous culture, Libyan called Phoenicians. They lived in Carthage dominated large areas throughout Africa and were used as agricultural laborers in rural properties of the aristocracy, primarily engaged in harvesting grain.