miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Aullidos en el silencio howling in the silence

Fragmento de la novela " aullidos en el silencio " en periodo de creación literaria

Después de cenar todos en el salón, Plotino da dos palmadas y dice, "alumnos pueden retirarse al dormitorio comunitario a dormir y sueñen con la clase de esta tarde que pienso a sido muy gratificante,¿verdad Agustín.?" "Oh si sin duda maestro,"responde Agustín mientras se retira con los compañeros alumnos a dormir.
La enorme luna llena equinoccial de la estación primaveral destaca sobre la colina de Byrsa, pareciendo descansar apoyada sobre el templo de Eshmún.
Una imagen de fábula la primera luna llena de la primavera flanqueada por las constelaciones de Tauro y Aries. Los equinoccios de primavera e invierno marcan la misma duración entre los días y las noches.
En la enorme parcela de la gran casa de Plotino, las noches de luna llena y en especial la primera luna del equinoccio de primavera, Plotino y su discípulo Porfirio convocaban a extrañas criaturas teniendo lugar uniones místicas a través de dos de sus esclavos traídos de las factorías de las explotaciones agrícolas creadas en numerosos enclaves costeros a lo largo del Mediterráneo occidental.
Estos dos esclavos egipcios son Amón y Amset.
Este tipo de uniones místicas son preparadas por Plotino mediante convocaciones en una extraña lengua, en idioma Sumerio o Acadio.
Dichas uniones físicas se llevan a cabo a través de ambos esclavos comenzando a tener espasmos y convulsiones mientras hablan estas lenguas antiguas de manera agresiva mediante gritos, entrando en un trance metafísico.
Agustín las ha presenciado desde la lejanía del dormitorio saliendo de este a escondidas y viéndolo desde la gran sala central de la casa. Pero no puede ver lo que acontece con detalle desde tan lejos.
Si el maestro Plotino se percatara de que alguno de sus alumnos han estado curioseando sus uniones místicas, según dicen las leyendas se lo comerían vivo los dos esclavos.
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Excerpt from the novel "
howling in the silence" period of literary creation

After dinner everyone in the room, Plotinus gives two claps and says, "students can retreat to multiple beds to sleep and dream about the kind of afternoon that I think has been very rewarding, right Augustine.?" "Oh yeah no doubt master," answered Augustine as he retreats with fellow students to sleep.
The huge equinoctial full moon of the spring season highlights on Byrsa hill, looking over the rest supported Eshmun temple.
An image of the first fable full moon of spring flanked by the constellations of Taurus and Aries. The winter and spring equinoxes mark the same length between days and nights.
The huge plot of the great house of Plotinus, the full moon and especially the first moon of the spring equinox, Plotinus and his disciple Porphyry strange creatures summoned mystical unions taking place through two of his slaves brought from the factories farms created in many coastal enclaves along the western Mediterranean.
These slaves are two Egyptian Ammon and amset.
This kind of mystical unions are prepared by Plotinus by summons in a strange language, Akkadian or Sumerian language.
Such physical connections are performed through both slaves beginning to have spasms and convulsions while these ancient languages ​​spoken aggressively by yelling, entering a metaphysical trance.
Augustine's has witnessed from afar out of the bedroom and surreptitiously watching from the large central room of the house. But you can not see what happens in detail so far.
If the teacher Plotinus noticing that some of their students have been poking their mystical unions, according to the legends eat him alive say the two slaves.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

La cortina de lluvia, Rain curtain

Por fin después de varios meses de gestación he acabado mi novela corta titulada, "la cortina de lluvia " espero que después de su evaluación sea publicada como mi primera novela corta que ve la luz a través de los ojos curiosos de los lectores.
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Finally after several months of gestation have finished my short story titled, "rain curtain" I hope that after I assessment is published as my first short story to see the light through the curious eyes of the readers.
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A continuación un fragmento como primicia de la novela corta , " la cortina de lluvia "
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An excerpt first fruits of the novella, "rain curtain"

La cortina de lluvia.

Mc era un tipo solitario no socializaba con nadie exceptuando su compañero de trabajo Tim, una sociedad de velar por la vida uno del otro, el cual continuaba esperándole tras la cortina de  lluvia que seguía precipitando se de manera incesante y que esa noche empapaba toda la ciudad.
Mc salía del portal de su vivienda al tiempo que se ponía en marcha la gabardina y sus gafas acuáticas, (unas gafas que había diseñado para la lluvia), mientras al otro lado de la calle a modo de aviso de su presencia Tim señalizaba su situación con sendas ráfagas de luces desde su Ford mustang negro abollado y con un aspecto decrépito, la sonrisa reflejada en la blanca dentadura de Mc ilumino su rostro rudo con surcos de cicatrices de batallas pasadas, Mc se acerca con paso firme mientras sus pisadas salpicaban en los numerosos charcos del irregular pavimentó.
Mc se aproxima a la puerta del copiloto y al intentar entrar, Tim le cierra la puerta y baja la ventanilla con el eleva lunas automático un poco lo suficiente para que la lluvia no entré en exceso y aproximando se a la ventanilla le grita a Mc "oye no pensarás entrar todo empapado me vas a dejar los asientos mojados quítate la gabardina y el sombrero y déjalos sobre el maletero caramba."
Mc se gira mirando a Tim de mala gana y se aproxima al maletero y deja la gabardina y el sombrero texano, de dos zancadas Mc se acerca a la puerta del copiloto y le dice a Tim  "bien ya esta mal nacido habré la maldita puerta que voy a coger un resfriado vamos," a la vez que golpea el cristal de la ventanilla
solicitando a Tim que el abra la puerta del automóvil.
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Mc was a loner did not socialize with anyone except his partner Tim, a society to ensure the life of each other, which continued waiting behind the curtain of rain was rushing it incessantly that night and work all soaked city.
Mc left the door of his house while got underway raincoat and water glasses (glasses that were designed to rain), while the other side of the street as a warning of their presence Tim señalizaba your situation with individual bursts of light from his Ford mustang black battered and decrepit appearance reflected smiling on white teeth Mc lit his rough grooved scars of past battles face, Mc approaches steadily while their footsteps splashed in numerous irregular puddles paved.
Mc approaches the passenger door and try to enter, Tim shuts the door and down the window with automatic moons rises slightly enough that the rain did not go to excess and was approaching the window yells at Mc " hey all get soaked not think you're going to leave the seats wet take off your coat and hat and leave them on the boot dammit. "
Mc turns watching Tim reluctantly and approaches the trunk and leaves the coat and cowboy hat, two strides Mc approaches the passenger door and tells Tim "well and this bastard will have the damn door I'll catch a cold come on, "while hits the window glass
Tim asking the open car door.

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

"Rain curtain". "Cortina de lluvia"

The following excerpt from the novel, "rain curtain" horror novel and metaphysical mystery that will soon be completed and available to readers.

dangerous offenders have become bloody vampires is not known as happened and are biting and turning all the inhabitants of that district into vampires and vandalism is giving way to a state of very dangerous place, the boss has commissioned street Aron that annihilate the girls from Chinatown all his band and anyone who finds been made by them and investigate and find out that a vampire is responsible for this conversion in vampire girl band and we close the border and boundaries around the neighborhood ensuring that no oriental converted to other neighboring districts through the eastern neighborhood

A continuación fragmento de la novela , "la cortina de lluvia " novela de terror y misterio metafísico que pronto estará terminada y a disposición de los lectores.

delincuentes peligrosas se han convertido en vampiros sangrientos aún no se sabe como a ocurrido y están mordiendo y convirtiendo a todos los habitantes de ese distrito en vampiros y el vandalismo esta dando paso a un estado de sitio muy peligroso, el jefe Aron street nos ha encargado que aniquilemos a las chicas del barrio chino a toda su banda y a todo aquel que halla sido convertido por ellas e investiguemos y averigüemos que vampiro es el causante de esta conversión en vampiros de la banda de chicas  y que cerremos los limítrofes y lindes alrededor del barrio oriental asegurándonos que ningún convertido pase a otros distritos colindantes al barrio oriental

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

"Rain curtain". "La cortina de lluvia"

Abstract or excerpt of the new novel "rain curtain" and paranormal horror genre mystery

Tim sagal pulled a cigarette from his silver cigarette case parsimoniously as he watched the building where Laura Mc Arthur florist is, while he entered a message in your electronic device the message was sent by Mc Arthur and said, "Tim if these waiting in front of the florist Laura let me know and I'm there in a moment. "
Something told Tim Mc Arthur was where there were always about midnight, face washed to remove any sequel to the horrible nightmare and not a trace in your mind of anything that interferes with the time to get to work on the street as he took his black shirt and was buckling from the bottom up to avoid leaving a longer side, tied the knot in a silver tie in a heartbeat picked up his revolver in its holster and belt and fastened it under his arm took its raincoat and shading while entering a message on your terminal technology, Tim was a message saying we have a lot of male job tonight, and had to be down here.

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Extracto o fragmento de la nueva novela "la cortina de lluvia", genero de terror y misterio paranormal
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Tim sagal sacaba un cigarrillo de su pitillera de plata parsimoniosamente mientras miraba al edificio de Mc Arthur donde está la floristería Laura , al tiempo le entraba un mensaje en su dispositivo electrónico el mensaje había sido enviado por Mc Arthur y decía: "Tim si estas esperándome en frente de la floristería Laura hazme lo saber y en un momento estoy ahí."
Algo le decía a Mc Arthur que Tim estaba donde siempre quedaban sobre media noche, se lavó la cara para retirar cualquier secuela de la horrible pesadilla y no dejar rastro en su mente de nada que le perturbase a la hora de ponerse a trabajar en la calle mientras cogía su camisa negra y se la iba abrochando desde abajo hacia arriba para no dejar un lado mas largo, hizo el nudo de una corbata plateada en un santiamén cogió su revólver en su funda y la correa y se lo abrocho bajo el sobaco tomó su gabardina y su sombreo al tiempo que entraba un mensaje en su terminal tecnológico, era un mensaje de Tim decía vamos macho tenemos mucho trabajo esta noche, ya tenías que estar aquí abajo.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


A fragment of the story "Reunion" will be published soon with five stories in a book of stories titled, "Science Fiction and Fantasy"
Once out there in space there is no going back, which is why it is vital that this all adjusted and ready for full operation in space. It is infinitely easier to repair or rectify a technical or technological problem in the earth in space.
Already know weightlessness is not the same as being anchored to the ground eh?
We Still says the commander in charge of the mission from the base control aerospace operation, we closed microphone? Ask Willians, answers commander Still, if we are in private but it is the last time until the end of the mission I communicate with the crew of the spacecraft closed microphone from as we finish the conversation started'll leave open for the microphone entire control room to work on possible difficulties may occur in the course of star travel is clear.? Or if Smith butchering clear answer I will Willians exactly the same for my colleagues and Mc Arthur Smith can be aware of everything that happens.
Of course that's right for the sake of the mission cosmonaut Willians, super're friend according my commander Still, then it's time for satire and sarcasm says Williams with a laugh, lol just was thinking about that damn you have telepathy Mr. Willians

Rain curtain

    This is an excerpt from my latest novel "rain curtain," a novel of modern vampires but with an emotional and human burden disseminated throughout the novel Blood Creek bones of the two main characters Tim and two Mac's convicted of the special forces hunting occasionally turned into vampires.

    "We will have to furnish Aron on how introduction of microchip nano robot for once in your body can have autonomy to evade or fight and avoid being destroyed by any harmful agent within the body of Selenia and prepare several practice sessions simulation leakage with the guard in the prison department of information and avoid possible errors of assessment in theater to refer leakage simulation Selenia to give more credibility to the leak of Selenia, for that reason be tested often necessary until we create that has escaped us. "" If Tim all start to give us to make the necessary credibility to drain Selenia be walking through it to achieve our main objective is to find the pure vampire necromancer blood causing all the previous episode we had to intervene for this action of blood and power in the Eastern District. "continued Mac," about how, when and where we will find the necromancer vampire is an irrelevant question, it is important that through Selenia happen and when it will be before us then that improvisation and experience unite to destroy the vampire necromancer. "